VS - Lighting Systems - Lighting - 998542
18. Signalling
18.4. Signalling gets smarter! From traditional signalling functions, new technologies are now appearing on the market, the emergency braking signal is one of them. Cars today, are able to give better braking performance due to improvements in braking technology. This is a major improvement in road safety but to combat potential rear-end collisions, this needs to be combined with a new type of signalling to warn other road users more effectively. "Emergency braking signal" is a system to indicate to other road users behind the vehicle that a high deceleration force has been applied by the vehicle in front relative to the prevailing road conditions. The emergency stop signal shall be given by the simultaneous operation of all the stop or direction- indicator lamps, all the lamps should flash together at a frequency of 4 flashes per second (only LEDs can perform this).
The emergency braking signalling is activated and deactivated automatically, it may be operated either: l From a prediction of the vehicle deceleration resulting from the hard braking with a deceleration equal to or above 6 m/s per second (22 km/h reduction per second). l When the antilock system is fully cycling at a speed above 50 km/h. The emergency braking signal shall be de-activated when the deceleration has fallen below 2.5 m/s per second (9 km/h reduction per second) or when the antilock system is no longer fully cycling.
FRONT VEHICLE Hazard lamps blink rapidly to warn the following vehicle
FOLLOWING VEHICLE The warning enables the driver to take appropriate action
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