Valeooscope - Air Conditioning System Thermal comfort loop
Why regular A/C servicing?
The air conditioning system must be regularly serviced or the system performance will quickly deteriorate. Poor maintenance can result in major system breakdowns that are costly to repair. The A/C loop’s state of health can be evaluated thanks to temperatures, pressures and parameters like condenser subcooling and evaporator superhea- ting. The performance of an air conditioning system is strongly impacted by the humidity in the loop (condition of the receiver drier), insufficient air flow and the quantity of refrigerant. 12.1 The consequences of humidity Humidity in an air conditioning loop can result in: g A blocked expansion valve and the formation of an ice plug. g The deterioration of brazed assemblies, corrosion. g Hydrolysis of the oil. When humidity is present, the oil chemically decomposes by hydrolysis and forms organic acids. These acids corrode the metals and deposits form that can clog certain sensitive parts of the loop..
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