Valeoscope Commercial Vehicles Clutch 2020
Diagnosis Clutch slippage or lack of torque capacity
3.2.2 Reasons due to the clutch 1. Over-heated spots on the pressure plate surface (creeping) Parts inspection ●● Over-heated spots on the pressure plate surface Vehicle behaviour ●● Clutch slippage ●● Burnt facing smell ●● Smoke emitted from the clutch housing
1. Blue-stained pressure plate
2. External reasons due to the clutch linkage: seized fork on ball pivot/axis
Clutch inspection Oxidized and seized fork on its axis Vehicle behaviour ●● Loss of transmission of the engine torque ●● Slippage
Parts inspection ●● The fork pivot is seized on the fork ●● The bushing is worn or broken
●● Linkage axis and links are seized, out of round Vehicle behavior ●● Wrong release, difficult gear shift ●● Slippage and accelerated wear of facings ●● Rough clutch engagement ●● Heavy pedal load during clutch engagement Reasons ●● The release bearing travel is not sufficient to release the clutch disc. ●● The release bearing movement is slowed down (increase of engagement time). ●● The release bearing movement cannot be precisely controlled, which means starting up is not smooth. ●● The fork is oxidized and seized on its axis. Attention Ɂ Ɂ In the case that there is a hard point or stick slip movement of linkage, it is necessary to maintain the linkage system or to check the clutch facings wear. Diagnosis ò ò No grease or not enough grease when assembled ò ò Not suitable grease ò ò Wrong status of fork linkage The diagnosis can be made by measuring the bearing travel or by observation through the clutch housing hole. Advice Any part (ball pivot, axis, rod, yoke…) with seizing, rust or wear must be replaced to keep the good function of the clutch linkage and to ensure a clutch long life. During re-assembly, it is necessary to apply suitable grease on any hinge. We highly recommend changing the fork pivot each time of the clutch change.
Blue spots on the pressure plate
Parts inspection ●● Blue spots on the pressure plate, but no other damages ●● The pressure plate mass temperature reached 200°C Vehicle behavior Long time clutch slippage in low energy, mainly happens on driving up hills or in high engine torque. Reasons ●● Wrong conditions and wrong adjustments of the clutch linkage. ●● Seizing of the tube-guide. ●● Wrong bolting of cover assembly on the pressure plate. ●● The facings are totally worn out. ●● Breakage of the diaphragm. ●● Mistake in choosing the cover assembly (insufficient load). Diagnosis ò ò The pressure plate load has become insufficient and there is a delay of the pressure plate lift during engagement. Attention Ɂ Ɂ Always replace the 3 parts of the clutch kit. Advice Check the clutch linkage conditions and make adjustments according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Oxidized and seized fork on its axis
Reasons ●● Projections of water, when cleaning the vehicle. ●● Hatch opened. ●● No greased fork axis (see recommendations of the manufacturer). Advice ą ą Make sure that the hatch is in place, and closed. ą ą Avoid splashing water during cleaning operations. ą ą Perform the necessary lubrication of the fork axis while preceding the re-assembly operation.
Creeping on the pressure plate surface
Reasons ●● Severe usage of the clutch (earth moving, vehicle stuck in mud, towing, overload, difficult start-up conditions, high grade roads…). ●● Vehicle is not used the way it has been designed for. Diagnosis ò ò The pressure plate material has been transformed in some spots = metal creeping. ò ò The pressure plate surface temperature has reached 700°C or more. Attention Ɂ Ɂ A vehicle stuck in mud must be towed. Advice Choose the vehicle according to most severe usage conditions (engine, driveline). Watch their usage in severe situations and avoid wrong operating behavior. Always replace the 3 parts of a clutch kit.
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