Valeo - Electrical Systems - core return list catalog 938501
From O.E. leadership… to remanufacturing excellence Since 35 years, Valeo offers a complete product range of remanufactured units and related services. This offer takes the most of Valeo’s O.E. expertise in R&D, design and manufacturing process demonstrating a strong knowledge in renovation techniques and ensures a high quality remanufacturing process. SO WHY CHOOSE VALEO? CORE COLLECTION EFFICIENCY: • eCORPs internal Valeo tool for fast and easy core collection, • Full traceability of collected cores with a credit on surcharge done within 48 to 72 hours. QUALITY: • Our Reman products are 100% tested at the end of production line, • High quality remanufacturing process and specifications based on OEM requirements, • Complete remanufacturing capabilities, • Similar performances as original equipment product.
©2018 - Valeo Service SAS au capital de 17 623 995 euros - RCS Bobigny n°306 486 408 - Crédits photos: Christian Schryve Compiègne, Pension-complète - Conception graphique : • Ref. 938501
SAFETY AND SUSTAINABILITY: • Valeo remanufacturing ranges contribute to CO 2 emissions reduction, • All our parts are 100% asbestos free. Valeo Service
70, rue Pleyel - 93285 Saint-Denis Cedex - France Tél. : +33 (0)1 49 45 32 32 - Fax : +33 (0)1 49 45 36 59
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