Valeo Electrical Systems free wheel pulley range 2019
Trust the aftermarket specialist
Valeo Service supplies replacement parts to the independent aftermarket and original equipment spares (O.E.S.) to the automakers. Trust the aftermarket specialist with over 4,800 new products added each year, covering 14 product lines for passenger cars and 11 for industrial vehicles. The portfolio is built around 5 main markets: repair, maintenance, crash, post-equipment and trucks. All products are delivered by Valeo Service together with associated services for distributors, workshops and end-users.
Made in France
©2012 Valeo Service - Société par Actions Simplifiée - Capital 12.900.000 euros - 306 486 408 R.C.S. Bobigny - 70, rue Pleyel - 93200 Saint-Denis - France. Création graphique : Abaka & Co (Paris) - - Ref.952087.
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